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Saturday, April 18, 2020

THE MAN I MARRIED EPISODE 8-Story by Ayodele Adeoye

THE MAN I MARRIED EPISODE 8-Story by Ayodele Adeoye

While I was cleaning the sitting room, I carried his tablet up just to clean up the place but it slipped out of my hand and fell on the floor.

By the time I pick it up the screen has shattered. I became worried because I knew what that tablet meant to him. I wanted to take it quietly to a repairer to get it fixed before he returned, but on the other hand, what if he comes back before me? I thought of what to do but my brain was blank.

You are welcome dear, I greeted him as he entered the house. ‘When did you start addressing me as dear? He questioned. I am sorry, I was trying to clean the sitting room earlier today but your tablet mistaken fell from my hand. I carried the tablet and pointed it at him as to see that the screen had been shattered. He put forward his left hand to collect it and his right hand landed on my face. My husband just slapped me, this was the hottest slap I ever received as an adult. ‘You slapped me Bro David? I asked surprisingly. Yes I did and I will do it to you again, you irresponsible woman. Do you know how much it would cost to fix the screen of this tablet? If I lost my documents inside this tablet I will show you hell in this house,’ he said and walked away.

He came back from work very moody on Tuesday. I couldn’t ask him because of the unresolved anger from the broken tablet but I knew something was wrong with my husband. I have never seen him worried in that manner before, he prays about everything but this time he couldn’t pray. He moved from the sitting room to the bedroom like a man whose wife is in labour. What’s the matter? I summoned courage to asked him but couldn’t get a word from him. While he was in the toilet, I quickly opened the brown short envelope he dropped at the dinning, I glance through the content and behold my husband was fired from work. A drop of tears found its way out of my eye but I wiped it off immediately.

 ‘So, you’ve been sacked from work? I asked him. ‘Who asked you to open the letter? Before I say anything he descended on me and almost beat me to a pulp. I struggled to escaped from his dreaded hand of anger and aggression. I went inside, locked up myself and wept badly. Nobody in church will ever believe me if I tell them my husband is a wife beater. They trusted him so much and saw him as a perfect example of a Christian but my husband was a different person at home. This is an indication that I am married to the wrong man. THE MAN I MARRIED is a wife beater.

I couldn’t go to Bible study on Wednesday because I had a swollen face and it will be difficult to explain to church members what happened to me. I sat back at home while he alone went to church. We normally close our Bible study by 7pm – by 7:08pm about six people had called me from church asking why I didn’t come for Bible Study with my husband. Sis Bassey was the first to call, how are you Sis Sobiefaa, we didn’t see you in church today, hope everything is well? She asked me on phone. Of course I give no other explanation than to say “it is well”. The popular phrase used in Christendom to cover up many things. Mtchewwwww!  It is always well even if it is not well. How can I say it is well when my husband beat me up yesterday leaving me with a swollen face? Yet it is well. I dare not say otherwise or else the whole church will be in our house the next moment.

Mama was my second caller, we call our pastor’s wife “mama”. ‘How are you my daughter?’ she greeted on phone. ‘I am fine ma.’ I replied. ‘Why didn’t we see you in church today?’ She asked. ‘I….emmm….actually…’ I stalled and stammered just to avoid telling lies but I really didn’t have no other choice. ‘I just needed a little rest and I will be fine ma. I will be in church on Friday for the prayer meeting.’ I quickly chipped in so she won’t suggest a visitation. ‘I knew by Friday my swollen face would have subsided or gone completely. I began to think of what I will tell Mr Alfred tomorrow at work. There’s no way he won’t notice me since he didn’t see me in church for Bible study. If I excuse myself from work, it would generate more suspicion. Moreover I can’t afford to joke with my work now that my husband has lost his own job.

I went in front of my mirror to check on my face again. Maybe I should use dark shades to cover up. But I have never used it before, won’t that bring about suspicion too? My husband now has more time at home now that he’s not working again. I didn’t know my husband loved sex this much until now that he is having issues with depression. Since he lost his job we have sex almost everyday of the week even though I don’t enjoy it. I hear a lot of women talk about how they enjoy having sex but I see no fun in it but I needed it badly just to have my own baby. Sometimes he may not talk to me for three days but he can go as far as four rounds before day break.hehehehehe…. He only comes around when he needs sex, otherwise he’s with his Bible. Sometimes I wondered what he reads in that Bible, he could spend hours reading. Even though I don’t see the reflections in his life.
This is the third time you are doing this, this night even when I complained to you that I am feeling headache. I am not sure I can go another round again, I am dying please. This is the first time I am turning his sexual advances down. But……

Next Episode 9

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