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Saturday, April 18, 2020

THE MAN I MARRIED EPISODE 7-Story by Ayodele Adeoye

THE MAN I MARRIED EPISODE 7-Story by Ayodele Adeoye

I was so lonely in the marriage.
This is five months now I have not missed my period and my husband is busy jumping here and there thinking he’s working for God while he’s failing in his primary assignment at home. Woe unto him who cannot rule his household well.’ ‘Did you just say woe?’ Bro David asked with aggressiveness on his face. ‘So it has now come to this, raining curses on me and saying what the Bible did not say? I thought I married a spiritual vibrant sister, I didn’t know you are this lukewarm. I will not stand here and allow you rub your lukewarmness on me.’ He picked his Bible and went inside the bedroom.

An hour later my husband was dressed up with his Bible on his armpit heading towards the door. ‘Where do you think you are going?’ I protested. ‘You won’t go out and leave me here all alone today. Today is Saturday and this is the only day we both have together as husband and wife. I took the house key from the room divider and quickly locked the door and put the key inside my bra. Come and get the keys here let me see!’ ‘Sis Sobiefaa go and open that door, I can’t afford to be late for the preparatory prayer meeting as the prayer leader, please open the door. You have an assistant, let him be in charge today.’ I said. ‘They know you are married now and shouldn’t expect you to be available like you are still single.’

He moved closer to me and forced his hand on my bra trying to remove the key to the door. I struggled with him for like two minutes until he overpowered me and forcefully removed the key and left my bra string slacked. While I was trying to adjust the second string of my bra I noticed some pains on my left breast. I put in my hand to check, it was a cut from the key holder’s pin. When I brought out my hand it was soaked with blood. I quickly screamed and lifted my hand filled with blood so he can see it before he leaves but he left without minding me.

‘I followed him to the gate, God will not answer your prayers, I said to him and turned back to the house.’ He responded quickly, ‘madam, you are not God and you can’t decide which of my prayers will be answered or not.’ I went in and cleaned up the blood stain on my chest. I sat at the couch and wept. Today I remembered Preye. Preye would never have treated me this way. He may not be spiritual like David but he’s born again. I questioned God in my pain. Why did you take away Preye from me? Why did you replace him with this type of man? God you are not fair to me. Immediately I remembered it’s not right to challenge God that way so I quickly asked for his mercy. ‘I am sorry Lord.’ I said…

He came back at about 7:30pm. ‘Where is my food?’ he asked me. ‘Food? ‘I didn’t cook anything today because I didn’t know you are eating. I made noodles for myself and I can rush to the kitchen to prepare yours if you don’t mind.’ ‘Noodles?’ He asked frowning his face. ‘I can’t be eating noodles while I was single and continue while I am married. I have been fasting for some days now and I need good food not noodles.’ ‘What do you want then?’ I asked him. ‘I want pounded yam with egusi soup.’ ‘But you know we don’t have egusi in this house and it’s to 8 already, where will I get egusi tonight?’ I queried. ‘This is not how to be a virtuous woman, a woman whose husband has not eaten for several days should have everything at home in preparation for the day he wants to eat.’

I decided not to answer him again because he seemed unhappy. He continued to talk, rain insults on me and blamed me for all his woes but I didn’t alter a word again. He became more angry when I ignored him. He came closer and held my arm and said, ‘you made them cancel my slot for ministration at the prayer conference right? I thought you’re just a lukewarm Christian, I didn’t know you are also a witch and a bad omen to me. The Bible says “when a man finds a wife he has found a good thing and obtains favour from the Lord”. You are not a good thing at all, where is the favour? After ten months of marriage, I am yet to see any favour but bad luck. I was deceived into this marriage by your church attendance and punctuality. But now I know you are not a wife material. I felt like replying him but I was still in pain from the injuries I sustained in the afternoon when he struggled to collect the key from my bra.

I didn’t know they cancelled his slot for ministration at the prayer conference but I was sincerely happy about that. My husband became a nag in the house, he complained about everything. While I was cleaning the sitting room, I carried his tablet up just to clean up the place but it slipped out of my hand and fell on the floor.

Next Episode 8

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